show appreciation while u still can
Today has been a lazy Saturday. After a whole week of 8am's it isnt surprising that all i want to do is stay in bed and catch up with sleep. Today is cook your own meal day so i made fish and squid ink. yummie! I also made milk with carnation milk and evaporated milk. even yummier. y do people take things for granted and when it is all gone they cry. what for? People should learn to appreciate while they still can . Also i find some people reallly delusioned , fabricating drama's in their head that isnt true at all. And they claim that they are not looney and u're just not paying enough atttention. you have a good thing going on, why destroy it with weird thoughts?. insecurity? jealousy?. If you dont know how good uve got it and need to see what others are going thru before u appreciate then i think ure not even worth it cause this shouldnt even be the case. I hope u wake up your idea soon and realise the mistake and the drama uve caused cause i dont think u have